<% Dim Ora Ora = Hour (Now) If Ora < 12 Then %> Buon giorno ! <% ElseIf Ora < 17.30 Then %> Buon pomeriggio ! <% ElseIf Ora < 21 Then %> Buona sera ! <% Else %> Buona notte ! <% End If %>




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From the 26th of August to the 6th of September 2008, three international sporting events of exceptional importance will take place in the city of Roccaraso, at the ice rink "Bolino". The first event, from the 26th of august to the 1st of september, is organised by the F. I. R. S (Federation International du Roller Sports), the maximum international body chaired by the President of the Italian Federation hockey and Skating (F. I. H. P.) On. Sabatino Aracu and provides, in addition, the participation of almost all European nations, even the presence of South America Nations and also nations from other parts of the world. Responsible for the stage is the President of the Italian school of artistic roller skating Mrs Sara Locandro and the coach Mr Antonio Merlo.
The second event, from the 2nd to the 6th of September 2008, is the European Championship Cadets and Youth. Many the countries participating like France, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Croatia, Slovenia etc… and a flood of athletes of the respective national teams, which will be certainly accompanied by their families and their staff of Couches, Gym Trainers, Doctors and Choreographers.
Between the two events will take place a great show, with the participation of Italian World and European skaters , and skaters from all the other national teams. The show will give a performance of a high technical and artistic value. These events are organised by the Skating Academy of Pescara with the patronage of the CONI and of FIHP (Italian Federation of Hockey and Skating) of the F. I. R. S. of C. E. R. S. in collaboration with the Municipality of Roccaraso.
The events will be supported by national televisions (including Rai), and preceded by a press conference chaired by the President of the Italian Federation Hockey and Skating On. Sabatino Aracu, with the participation of the Mayor of Roccaraso and other representatives of the Communal Junta and the Sponsors offering their admission.


See you all in Roccaraso!!!


Conteggio dei visitatori a datare dal 21 marzo 2009:

© 2007/2009 Sara Locandro

e-mail: saralocandro@saralocandro.it